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Einstein, Albert (1879-1955)
Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater.
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984)
Mathematics is the tool specially suited for dealing with abstract concepts of any kind and there is no limit to its power in this field.
Egrafov, M.
If you ask mathematicians what they do, you always get the same answer. They think. They think about difficult and unusual problems. They do not think about ordinary problems: they just write down the answers.

The geology of Scotland for its size is very complex. It represents a varied assemblage of geologically diverse fragments of the earth crust accreted at various times over the almost unimaginable length of time of some 3300 million years.
The geological map of Scotland is reproduced by permission of the British Geological Survey. © NERC. All rights reserved. IPR/95-33CW. ([email protected]) The ancient Scottish Precambrian crust lay approximately 30 degrees South of the equator about 3300 million years ago. Together with Labrador and Greenland the Outer Hebrides and the Northwest Highlands formed part of an old and stable part of the Archaen crust. The oldest rocks in Scotland are therefore those exposed in the far north-west composing the Outer Hebrides and a narrow tract of ground extending from the region of Cape Wrath to the Sleat peninsula of Skye and to the islands of Tiree and Iona. These rocks, generally known as the Lewisian from their widespread occurrence on the Isle of Lewis are between 2,900 to 3,100 million years old. The Lewisian consists largely of coarsely crystalline, striped grey and white or black rocks referred to as gneisses, which are the end products of long and complex histories. The basic ingredients that initially went into the making of these gneisses probably included sands and muds deposited in ancient seas over 3,000 million years ago. As well as this material lava from ancient volcanoes as well as intrusive igneous rocks almost certainly also featured among this starting material. Due to this repeated folding and recrystalisation during mountain building processes these original sediments and igneous rocks were so altered (or Metamorphosed) into the gneisses that only a guess can be made as to the original material they were formed from.

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