All the States in the World all wanting a say in how the world is run, all different culture’s clashing together, usually always leading to grotesque violence. Children dying all around the suicide bomber’s blast-radius. The fleeing refugees escaping for their live’s after years of poverty. Super power’s instilling fear into its nation in order to rule them & then command them to war. Peace agreements torn-up & threats of terror against its enemies. Ex Prime Ministers/Presidents walk free while the troops they sent to war are to murder in their name or die for the so-called honor of fighting for their Country. Still we wonder what state will “ push the button first “ to begin the start of what many people on this Planet believe is end of the World. Judgement Day it may turn out to be, future generations will certainly judge our current Worlds leaders actions of 2013 and the years to follow. The pessimist in me says we are all about to witness the turning point in the nuclear age with a world-wide shit-fest to ensue. However, the optimist in me thinks maybe soon there might not even be a Planet to mess up anymore than we already have done. By @ApexEvolution1 Apex Evolution Organization.